Friday, June 8, 2012

Drying Fresh Mint leaves

Drying Fresh Mint Leaves

This is my own mint in my little garden, its just so healthy and ECONOMICAL way of planting own mint. I love the fresh smell of this aromatic herb every morning as I brush passing them..hmmmmm, and can't stop myself in snipping fresh leaves, adding to my food to enhance the taste of meals.
I have been surfing on the net with topics on  food preservation. Why would I buy those packed dried mint if ever I can make my own..this encouraged me to do my drying method, and I would love to share it here.

The best time for harvesting is usually in the morning and just before they will flower, for mint leaves retain highest oil content prior to flowering. The oil content is the one that gives the aroma and its flavor that we love.
With my garden pruners, started to cut the mint about 4''-5'' long for I will be using the stem to help me in hanging my mint upside down later.

wash and drain with my salad spinner, the fastest way to drain..

Tying up for a Bundle
gathered small bunches of mint stems and tied them up for bundles, ready for hanging.

Initial hanging to dry

initial hanging in a well ventilated room, ( guest's room) just till the leaves will be drained well...

Final hanging
Don't throw your Mcdonalds bags...they are a good helper in the final stage of drying your herbs..they are the brown bags that we would use in wrapping the herbs.Brown bags usually help retain the oil content and color of the herbs, during the drying process. The herbs are wrapped and hang upside down in a well-ventilated dark room. The drying process would take from 1-2 weeks to completely dry.

Viola!!!!!!! after the long wait...the mint eventually withered and dry...and still retaining its color and smell...!!!!
Hold the tip of the stem and run your other hand on the stalk to remove the will just fall off immediately.

Got a bunch now of dried mint enough for winter time ...and would be giving out to my neighbors too...:)


  1. Nice cooking blog you have. Hey, I do this with basil and parsley, so I'll always have herbs for my pasta and spaghetti! :)

  2. thnx for the nice comment Mrs. Kolca!! its always good to have dried herbs on hand for any meal that we have!! :)

  3. Thanks so much for this tutorial! I did this for a friends wedding party and it worked jolly good. It lasts the whole evening ;-)

    1. thanks for browsing on my blog...and am glad that it has helped you in your friends party.. :)
