Monday, July 9, 2012

Homemade Beef Tapa

Beef Tapa / Beef Jerky


250 gms. lean beef thinly sliced                                 
1/2 tbsps. granulated sugar
1/2 tbsps. kosher salt  ( sea salt )
2 cloves garlic mincely chopped


Step 1. Cut the beef into thin slices.

Step 2.  In a clean bowl, mix all together the ingredients except the beef.

Step 3. Mix well until sugar will be totally dissolved.

Step 4. Add the thin strips of beef.

Step 5. Mix together to cure the meat., cover with stretch film and store in the refrigerator for around 1-2 hrs.

Step 6.  After an hour of curing , this is the result. There are 2 ways of drying up this cured meat..drying under the sun and  drying though the oven.. Got no patience under the I choose this method of baking.

Step 7.  Lay out the strips of cured meat in a clean baking pan... Preheat oven to 200C... bake for 10-15 mins.

Step 8. After 15 mins...this is the dry strips of cured meat...ready to be packed or to be fried..

Step 9... Serve with fried egg and fried rice....Enjoy!!!

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