Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mantı (Turkish Ravioli)

for the dough:                        for the filling:
2 glasses of flour                   250 gms. ground meat               1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 egg                                        2 med. onions ( minced )
1 teaspoon salt                          1 tsp. salt
lukewarm water                         1 tsp. ground black pepper

We will begin with the filling ingredients.

Step 1. Mix all the filling ingredients in a clean bowl.

Step 2. knead the filling ingredients and set aside.

For the dough preparation:

Step 1. In a clean bowl, mix in all the dough ingredients.

Step 2. Knead and form into a ball.

Step 3. Flatten the ball with a roller pin, or if you do have like this pasta maker, it would be easier and faster to flatten them..into a half cm. thin.

Step 4. With a sharp knife, cut out the flatten dough into medium squares.

Step 5.  With the prepared filling, put in half tsp. to the center of each squares.

Step 6. This is how to fold the squares..bring all the 4 corners to the center and pinch to close.

This is how it will be when folded.

Step 7.  In a baking tray with wax paper, lay out all your mantı and bake in a moderate oven just to dry up the mantı and when dried, pack them in a ziplock and freeze them till the time you need them.

Step 8.  In a large pot, boil some water added with a tsp. of salt, put in your prepared mantı and stir occassionally. Cook until the mantı are all tender, approximately about 10 minutes, then drain and put them in the serving plates.

Step 9. To garnish your cooked mantı..
           Yoghurt with minced garlic and salt
            Red pepper flakes and dry mint sauteed in olive oil

Serve and Enjoy! :)

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