Tuesday, July 10, 2012



A chocolate cake that's just so easy to prepare with less ingredients and with  less dirty dishes, but with great flavor of course!! This recipe can actually be mixed in the baking pan and immediately to the oven to be bake..that's how easy it is..... 


1 1/2 cups ( 195 gms ) flour 
1 cup ( 200 gms ) granulated sugar
1/4 cup (25 gms ) cocoa
1 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/3 cup ( 75 gms ) butter, melted ( butter was not in the pic)
1 cup ( 240 ml ) warm water
                                                      1 tbsp. lemon juice 
                                                      1 tsp. vanilla


Preheat oven to 177 C. In an ungreased square pan, follow the directions....

Step 1. In a clean mixing bowl, or in your baking pan, mix all the dry ingredients together. here am using my mixing bowl for demo.

Step 2.  Add in the melted butter, warm water and lemon juice, when mixed all together, add in the vanilla.

Step 3. Bake in a preheated oven for about 30 mins, or till when a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Step 4. When baked, cool and set aside... for toppings. Whatever toppings you could think of...feel free to top your cake with it..Or sprinkling powdered sugar on top before serving is also best.

Step 5.  For my topping, I sprinkled powdered sugar then top with my homemade strawberry jam... Just a great way of enjoying coffee ... Enjoy!!

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