Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chicken Adobo (Chicken Pickled)

Good day everyone. Am back again here with my food trippings.... The weather here is bit cold now and my  appetite just savors for the foods that I have been missing a lot since then. Let me start with our native Chicken Adobo which I have been longing for so long now.
There are many ways in cooking this stuff but the least that I could share here is how to make it an easy way in preparing this  meal specially for those who are always on the go..


4 chicken drumsticks and 8 chicken thighs
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup water
6-8 cloves garlic peeled and crushed
2 tbsps. brown sugar
2-3 bayleaves
crushed peppercorn


Mix all the ingredients above and put them in your cooking casserole. Marinate the chicken for around 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, just turn on the heat to meduim and let it boil, then lower down the heat at the same time covering the casserole. Let it simmer till the chicken is soft and tender around 30 minutes, then just flip the chicken parts.. DO NOT STIR.. and continuing simmering UNCOVERED till sauce thickens.

this is how the last cooking must be..sauce has thicken and shining with its own oil.

There's my chicken adobo paired with my jasmine rice..and who would ever not  like to have a side dish of avocado with sugar...the pinoy style ..just love it with my avocado.. Enjoy everyone!!

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